Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Makes it a little hard to concentrate...

...with these foul-smelling creatures constantly landing all over you. They're a cross between a lady bug and a stink bug, and they'll...uhh...let's call it "secrete", a bitter smelling juice if you try to pick one up or apply any pressure on them. Apparently they were introduced to the area intentionally to try and control other insect populations, but now they're out of control with no natural enemies as they are mildly toxic.

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krayman said...

& they taste the same way they smell! Bleghhh. Accidentally ate one when I was a kid.

Anonymous said...

@krayman: Yet another good reason for a full faced halmet with the face shield closed...Blechhh

Scott said...

Good example of Newton's Law. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

PuppetMaster2u said...

I want a shirt? :-)

Flash2Crash said...


2wheelsonly! said...

I just heard sumpin bout T-Shirts.

T-Shirts! T-Shirts! T-Shirts!

Anonymous said...

tee shirt tee shirt!!!!!!!!