Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Gah...learn to ride guy!

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ACCBiker said...

Even a cruise guy knows that is just plain wrong.

Yo ARKiV said...

What's this I don't even...

Daddeeo said...

Circus trick?

K03gsxr750 said...

LOL, wow!

Anonymous said...

He did make the highlights....maybe...

thetable said...

My money is on "stuck behind a slayer."

Anonymous said...

i think the principle is solid. Avoiding extra inputs with weight transfer that isn't needed. He's just pushing the bike into a kink and is already set up for the next left that needs the position he's already in. Mr. Schwantz tells all his students to avoid extra inputs that can upset the chassis

cobra6 said...

PLEASE! Somebody talk to this guy before he kills himself / some innocent soul.

Anonymous said...

Bwaa ha ha! Those crazy FZ1 guys. Life of the party, I tell ya.

E30TECH said...

I think he was playing for the camera?

Superdog said...

He's making a point--exaggerated lean on the hi and usually wrong side. You see this on here all the time when guys are trying to lean their bike over more for the camera. Good show.

s said...

Yeah, I kinda suspect this guy knows what he's doing and is just killing some time. Kinda weird how everyone suspects him to be an idiot and not a clown. Though I guess "both" isn't impossible. :)

Chef C14 said...

My bet is he knows what he's doing. Look at his foot pegs. I believe they are ground down so he's been scraping pegs unless he filed them off to fool people.

Vladens said...

Is that Randy????
If so, he def knows what he's doing! ...but why FZ1?

2wheelsonly! said...

Look how he is dressed. Most idiots don't gear-up.

He's goofin' on KB, most likely.

Anonymous said...

i wonder... is cobra6 referring to me or the riderz?

Anonymous said...

Herbert said...

Looks like he is playing for the camera. Doubtfully anyone who is inexperienced.