Monday, January 11, 2010

So apparently we aided and abetted a felon...

For those not following things on our Face Pages, as mom would say, (mine, Lori's) allow me to recount a recent incident.

About a week ago we were coming back home from spending some time with friends in Knoxville. It was about 2:30am as we were driving across Deals Gap in the S2000, when we came upon this SUV pulled over with hazards on at Parson's Branch - 4 miles from the state line. We stopped and asked the guy if he was ok, he said he had ran out of gas and wasn't familiar with the area...didn't realize gas stations would be so sparse. Said he was traveling back home to Johnson City from a friend's place in Knoxville and taking the long way for something different. It was about 14 degrees out and he had no means of heat. We considered options and since everything was closed, figured the best bet was to run on home, get some fuel, and bring it back to him. It took us about an hour, had to switch vehicles to the Mini for space to carry fuel cans. By the time we returned the poor guy (heh) was shaking uncontrollably so we had him sit in the Mini passenger seat, Lori in driver's seat, while I refilled his SUV. He kept insisting on helping, but I insisted more that he sit down and warm up, it didn't take two people. Got a few gallons in there, and went to start it...of course, the battery was dead from sitting there with the flashers on for a couple of hours in sub-freezing temps. Luckily I had foreseen this and brought the jump box. Got it started after a few minutes and he thanked us profusely, insisted on paying for our gas and troubles, and hastily headed off in his original direction, (south on 129) despite our advice to cut his losses and head back to civilization in Knoxville/Maryville since he still didn't have much gas.

Cut to the next night, we're driving back over in the Mini and the serpentine belt fails, killing the water pump, alternator, and supercharger - no good deed... We get a call through to Lori's parents thanks to the free-local-calls phone at the Deals Gap resort, and Lori's brother comes to pick us up with his beefy truck and car-hauler trailer. On the way back with the car in-tow, we're telling him about the life we probably saved the night before, when he interrupts with "What was he driving?" We describe it and he says "I think that's the guy that tried to steal my truck this morning...ended up stealing my neighbor's because I left the 2-way radio on and the battery was dead." Turns out he and his neighbor left their keys in their trucks, doors unlocked, and when he came out that morning his door was open, but it wouldn't start. Further investigation confirmed the guy we helped back along his merry way had indeed ditched the SUV just outside of town, snagged the neighbor's truck, wrecked it a few miles down the road, snagged another vehicle and drove on toward S.C. Last we heard they were trying to track him through the On-Star of his most recent acquisition, but nothing more. He apparently never stole anything out of the vehicles, which were filled with valuables.

I'm not going to stop helping people in distress, but next time I'll have the gun already pointing through the door before stopping.

So we're now in St. Lucia, enjoying some sun and fun. Today we've got an ATV excursion scheduled in about an hour...get to play with the GoPro HD some, and we've been getting in some scuba diving as well. We'll have pics to come and I'm planning on throwing on some past highlights from the Gap as suggested from our readers. Hang in there cold people!


Flash2Crash said...

Shoot first, ask questions later.

Ted said...

my neighbor came out one below zero morning a few years ago, helped a couple guys stuck in front of his house (in midtown Kansas City) then went to the garage and started his car and left it running in front of the house. When he came out with his coffee and brief case he watched one of the two guys drive off with his car. You just never know....

2wheelsonly! said...

Killboy, oh boy! Big sigh of relief, that ass-swipe thief didn't have the *balls* to take on Killgirl in an attempt to hi-jack your Mini!

Past "highlights" and "low-lights", absolutely, good sir!

Kim said...

I read that as St. Louis, and I'm like, "What, sun in StL, scuba in the Mississippi. Time to get off this computer.

Superdog said...

You guys are so nice. You really did a great thing, even if the person turned out to be bad. Get a concealed weapons permit and a Glock 23. Both of you. We need good people like you out there keeping us all safe. Peace.

FightersDomain said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
djltoronto said...

Never a dull moment

bandit321 said...

Had a guy who worked for me said he stole a truck one time. He ran out of gas and a LEO stopped to tell him the gas station up the road would be open soon. Truck was reported and they picked him up walking a few miles further on. Asked him why he did it and he said "he was cold, the keys were in it and why walk when you can ride". Dumb!
How about a trip report from St. Lucia. Need to know about any good (or bad) excursions. We go in April.

Victor said...

I keep local police phone numbers on my cell phone for non-emergencies. If they are available, they'll usually stop by to assist, or at least turn their lights on.

You guys are great. Don't let that stop you from helping needy souls. Just be on guard for your own well-being.

Flash2Crash said...

Do TN and NC honor each other's handgun permits?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Flash: Yes, pretty much all the states surrounding TN/NC honor as well.

Brian A said...

A good source of info regarding reciprocity

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

You've been itchin' to use that word for a month I bet.

Anonymous said...

Glad it all worked out. That's why my carry piece is on me at all times.

Morgan said...

Bad guy or not, the temperatures were deadly cold and you and the gal were right helping out. Near zero traffic and single digit temperatures. I still think you two may have save the man's life. Respect from me to you.

Jabbles said...

Nice to know there are still people out there willing to help out like that. On a busy road with plenty of cell service it's easy to say "I am sure he will be O.K" but on a little traveled road late at night buddy really could have been in trouble. Thumbs up to both of you.

K03gsxr750 said...

Just glad you all figured out who the guy was...after the fact. He must have known how screwed he was out there without your help.

Maybe you stopping to help him out will be a turning point for him, granted he stolen since but I bet he hasn't forgotten.

Vamp D said...

I'm thankful for the gallon of gas you shared with me during a night run a while back! I realized half way through my return run I wasn't going to make it back to Fontana and my buddies were quite a ways ahead of me. You saved my butt from a LONG walk to the Crossroads that night.