Random Update - November 27, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving y'all! As always, photos from the last six years are available in Our Store here.
This year we've got some new custom holiday greeting cards available for ya:
You can customize them with your photos and personal greetings, but get those orders in ASAP...they take a couple of weeks for the lab to print off.
And we've also added some new Customizable Gift items too:
You KNOW your friends and family are just dying to for hints on what to get you, so there ya go! =)
We're about done shooting the Dragon for the year...may play around with the cameras a little now and then while we're out there hanging out, just to stay in practice and bring y'all something for the occasional update. Plus I got one of the new GoPro HD video cameras that I'm excited to put to use for ya. We've been working with Ron and Nancy from Tail of the Dragon.com on their new DVD. (preview here) We shot a lot of the footage with the previous low-rez GoPro, and it's looking good, so the next volume should be even sharper.
Finally, I want to say thanks to all of our customers who've made it possible for us to keep doing this, and our partners for all their hard work. Lori and I still have to work very hard at this, and stress over finances from time to time, but we are living the life and grateful for it. There are much worse jobs out there for sure, but we could never do it without your support.
Ok, on to the highlights!
Happy Thanksgiving & thanks for all you both do - Killboy rocks!
Thanks to you and everyone who does this week in and week out. Although I don't get there enough, every Wednesday morning it is like that I am (at least for the first 15 minutes of my day).
Darryl and Lori, the thanks go to you. For providing the Wed entertainment, for promoting safety for the rest us, for being there to help when things go wrong, for cleaning up the trash that others left when you are done shooting at a spot, for helping those of us that are hot tempered and obnoxious (yes that would be me) to look at it from a different perspective, for being friendly every time I stop to aggravate you, and for sending the free pics with my last order. (That had to be Lori’s idea, they were fabulous BTW, what a great surprise!) I hope you two have a great off season! I look forward to will seeing you again in the spring!
Fuck Safety!
Long Live Killboy!!!
Another good Christmas present: www.whytheyride.com
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