Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Weekly Update - September 5, 2007

I'd like you to meet Ron Yeninas

Ron is the gentleman who ran out into the road to help local rider Jimmy Dockery aka "Lake Trash" and his girlfriend Carrie up after they were hit by a drunk driver while riding through Knoxville on Jimmy's bike. Ron managed to get Carrie out of the road, and went back for Jimmy, at which point they both got hit by a second drunk driver. All 3 people are alive and recovering, although Jimmy is still pretty banged up and out of it. Ron has 2 broken legs, 2 broken shoulder blades, broken ribs, broken elbow, and a serious head injury, but he's in great spirits and getting around in his wheelchair.

The folks over at have setup a Paypal donation if you'd like to help them with their recovery. Just paypal whatever you can to with the subject of "Ronald".

We've also got a local Toy Run going this month, for anyone that will be in the area and wants to participate:


ewfflyer said...

Wow!!!! That's all I can say after reading that article. Glad all three are ok, and on the road to recovery. Also a big thanks out there for Ron, that was truly a selfless act in which he really didn't deserve what he got in return.

Anonymous said...

Ron, you are the definition of a Hero. Thank you. Paige & PJ

Rider99XX said...

When did all of this happen? This is the first I've heard about it.
Get well soon!!

07fz6 said...

You are a true HERO in every sense of the word. Get well soon, the world needs more people like you. Also Get well soon to Jimmy and Carrie. Where are the F***ing TN state troopers when you need them. Oh I forgot they are up on the Dragon making it safe.

Fletch said...

May God Bless you, and give you a speedy recovery! I'll be prayin for you and the other two cyclists involved! What have they done to the irresponisble drunk drivers?

Take care,

ricklynn said...

I regret to inform you that Ronald Yeninas was found dead todat 7-25-2008. We are still waiting to find out the details and will let you know.


Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

No way! That's a shame Lynn...he was such a selfless guy. Our condolences to his friends and family.

Unknown said...

Ronalds mother Shirley passed at 1:40 am March 15. She was diagnosed with lung cancer last week. Guess she was in a hurry to see Ron again. R I P Shirley an
d God speed.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Sorry to hear that....godspeed Ron and Shirley.