Thursday, August 30, 2007

Chaos and Lawlessness!

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gxer988 said...

I'm guessing this look is boredom,
the last time I seen this Lady on the front page the knee was dragging.

Aaron said...

Poor Nancy. Better luck next time.

Gix'nVixen said...

Leo count on the dragon that day: 10
Posted speed limit: 30
CRUISER SPEED LIMIT: 22 and the guy I was stuck behind STILL couldn't keep from crossing the center line in a curve

I don't think I rode the dragon that slow even when I was a newb!!!
Talk about painful....DAMN!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm not interested in visiting that particular road for 2 reasons...ticket threats and boredom...there are too many great roads on the NC side which offer a peaceful, safe, spirited ride without that "ice in the gut" feeling when popo pulls up behind.
That lady looks miserable and I'm determined to never be miserable on the dragon.

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Yeah, that is a pretty bored photo of Miss Nancy Lawless. (Riiiiiight!) Bummer you got stuck in that girl.

I made the cover last year draggin' knee at about 35mph just for fun, but this year didn't even make it out during photog (and cop) hours just to avoid this boredom. NC offered much more fun this time! Thank goodness!!!