Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Until next week...

Here come the boobies...
Don't go any further if you don't want to see...

Click on image for NOT SAFE FOR WORK version.

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Unknown said...

Hey, look at me and my pilot; we're on film in order to capture our beauty before we get the rash!

Luv what ya see now since it may be for the last time!

Anonymous said...

Thank you ladies for sharing with us!!

JamesD said...

Dwayne, give it a rest already. Do you even own a motorcycle? Have you ever even been to the Gap? Commenting on every picture about someones gear makes you look like a complete AssHat. So stop being an AssHat. We don't care about your opinion.

vmaximum said...

Amen James

Unknown said...

For what it's worth, my comments on these photos are to enlighten and enhance safety in riding!!! Skill alone does not save lives while riding these machines as those of us who know can attest to! The Dragon is a VERY intense roadway for those who are EXTREMELY skilled and given Killboy's talent for photographing the unfortunate "mistakes" made on this road, safety of oneself and of one's cargo should be of TOP PRIORITY!!
It's too bad many people fail to see the logic in added safety measures.
And another thing, I ride a BMW R1150RT. I have traveled all over the country, Dragon included thank you, and have over 200,000+ miles of riding logged without going down (knock on wood!). Having volunteered my time in emergency and other hospital wards, I have seen the results and aftermath of motorcycle incidents firsthand, and I can assure you, it isn't one wants to witness. My time to go down will surely come and I can only hope I am prepared for it, but in the mean time, I wish all safe riding, and shudder at the stupidity of some comments made on this site.

JamesD said...

A snob BMW rider. That explains EVERYTHING.

Wave every now and then you snob

Kyle Bubp said...

I shudder at the feministic attributes that Dwayne possesses.

Dwayne, lets ride together sometime, perhaps you can show me some cool safety tricks! I might need them, considering I've been down 3 times in a year. OH NOES I SUCK AT RIDING!

Mike said...

Dwayne, I appreciate your concern for the riders here. I ride ATGATT, but I agree with the others. You need to lighten up. You're likely to push away those you're trying to reach, and you're bugging the blazes out of the rest of us.

kin52 said...

Hey Dwayne, shouldn't you be driving on the highway, in the left lane, about ten under the limit to slow these crazzzy riders. Stop acting like an Ass!
We know your opinion but riding is about freedom. That freedom includes the right to make choices you might not choose to make. If you don't like people doing things different than you maybe you should take up another hobby needlepoint might be a good fit for you.

HappyJack said...

Did you guys forget that we are looking at boobies?

JamesD said...

No, I love BooBie season.

Unknown said...

yes booby season is great. however i'm always reminded of this

this is from a girl who didn't wear any gear while riding.

full story it