Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Really necessary?

Consider your impact on our little playground, and what it would be like if everyone did this.

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Just Rude said...

Well done, you've found your selfishness and ignorance highlighted on two of Deals Gaps sites (see

Please get back in your lane.

Jimbozcrazy said...

Uhm.... A$$hole! Turn in your man card AND your motorcycle license for that stunt.

Anonymous said...

rectally impaired vision problems?
wiener boy describes it best

Anonymous said...

Had you stayed in your lane, you would have gotten mad props and respect for riding an old school bike. Unfortunately, you blew it. Better luck next time . . . if you get a next time.

Ride to live to ride again.

Scrapmettle said...

Is that Bear Claw?

Unknown said...

Well, at least the rider behind him isn't sheeping. He kept it under control.

Bouncing Soul said...

No kamikaze headband?

Big G said...

At first I thought .. nothing wrong here... is he dropping oil from that old bangerr?

Then I rememered.. thats the way we ride here in Australia...

get in your lane .... fool.

Jeff said...

Idiot. Idiot. IDIOT!!!