Wednesday, June 20, 2007


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DRZ400JLP said...

seen this gorup of cars sveral times saturday, 3 vws & 1 mini everytime I seen them they were on their side of the road & haulin a** good job guys! Maybe you could teach those mazda drivers how to slay the dragon, I'm talking about the one's about 30 pics up 1 blue & 1 black!

Unknown said...

thanks! we had a great time on this run and i was amazed at how much air everyone said i got under my rear wheels in the gti! i did mess up once and hit a little bit of gravel on the inside of crud corner on the way back to the store, my tires had just about had it for the day and I couldn't correct my steering fast enough. i felt really bad about it and called it a day right then and there. we'll be back in july!!