Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Low Rider

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Bruce said...

....hold onto your ass buddy, they're going to tear you up in the comments for your attire.

Anonymous said...

Somebody pass the popcorn . . .

Unknown said...

You know, it isn't my skin that will take the rash, and I believe all have the right to ride as they please, but it IS the increases to my motorcycle insurance that continues every year in part to the aftermath of those who wish to ride free of proper protective gear!

JamesD said...

Just remember.. Sometimes stupid hurts.

kin52 said...

Hey Dwayne, shouldn't you be driving on the highway, in the left lane, about ten under the limit to slow these crazzzy riders. Stop acting like an Ass!
We know your opinion but riding is about freedom. That freedom includes the right to make choices you might not choose to make. If you don't like people doing things different than you maybe you should take up another hobby needlepoint might be a good fit for you.

Unknown said...

Good point. Except that he's right. It does affect everyone in insurance, healthcare, public image, and sometimes worse.

I used to think it was stupid but ultimately someone's choice if they didn't wear seatbelts. Then my friend in the OR told me about the times they had to triage someone who was badly injured to be worked on after some nimrod who declined to wear his belt.

It's not always just your @ss on the line.

Unknown said...

This bike looks lowered, which makes it even more dangerous.

Where'd he leave his skateboard I wonder?

Anonymous said...

BCSO and THP also refuse to wear leathers and body armor on the Dragon. Freedom requires freedom. I would have died if I always wore a seatbelt, after an unsignposted bombhole dip and front-wheel-drive's defective throttle-off-understeer caused an endo, crushing the roof against the driver's seat. Ended up with no injury, just a totaled pile of uninsured crap. Insurance is expensive because insurance execs pay themselves personal WEEKLY salaries of $200,000 to $2-Million, and preapprove billions of dollars a year in arsons for their corporate friends. Insurance is always voluntary, contrary to pathological lies by police and media mafia. Mafia invented the insurance protection rackets. The best insurance is paying Wheelers $25 to set the correct ride height for rider weight.

Unknown said...

sigh, put on some damn protection... dumb de dumb dumb...

Unknown said...

Stupidity should be painful. Insurance companies are going to raise your rates anyway