Monday, June 11, 2007

Local Rider/Driver Down...


We visited Mark briefly yesterday. His family had seen what people were saying on here, and printed it off to show him, so if you've got a minute, leave a message for him and/or his family. They really liked the stories from people who had interesting encounters with him. ;)

There is also a thread going on here.

Mark is making some progress already. He is conscience and moving his head, recognizing people, and communicating somewhat with facial expressions and eye blinks. As I understand it, there is a light fracture to his C1 or C2 vertebra, with no visible damage to the spinal cord. He doesn't have any movement below the neck right now, and doesn't seem to have any feeling. The prognosis from the staff is not very good, but there is a lot of hope, and Mark is built like a tank and won't take this lying down for sure.

Mark's the ultimate gear-head, with every man's dream, exotic sports cars, boats, planes, even a couple of scooters! A lot of people knew of Mark, but only a few had really met him because he lets people come to him. He's very approachable and always has a big smile for anyone that wants to talk to him.

I'm sure he'll make a quick recovery and be back out there with us soon!

I just got news that our friend Mark Zemeck, the super nice/cool/handsome guy that drives the sexy blue AC Shelby Cobra with white stripes, a new silver Dodge Viper, and also rides a Ducati went down hard yesterday while mountain biking and is in Level 1 trauma.

If you're having trouble remembering him, here's a photo...

Keep him in your thoughts and as soon as we here of any way to visit or send get-wells, we'll pass it along.

Get well soon Mark!


Unknown said...

Deffinitly get well soon that moutain biking stuff is in my opinion more dangerous than sportbikes lol. I went trail riding with my friend's bike for the first time not too long ago, and I thought this sh*t is crazy.

Anyways get well soon.

vmaximum said...

Heal & be well

Anonymous said...

good luck on the recovery

doubleshot100proof said...

I remember the first time i saw him, he pulled out from a turn off, I was a curve or so away and was already thinking of how and where i was going to get around that darn car (cobra or not) HAA, he was a ghost in like 5 curves, what the?? Great drivver/rider and he'll be in my prayers tonight.

Jackson said...

I just saw Mark tonight and he is awake and responsive, his condition is still critical but there is hope, keep the prayers coming in.... thanks

Anonymous said...

Mark, we're rooting for you! Fight your way out, man, and we'll see you at the Gap again soon!

Prayers and best wishes,
PJ & Paige

HappyJack said...

Have faith, and courage! Gradatim ferociter! (step by step ferociously!)

Unknown said...

From myself, my family, and co-workers we wish you Godspeed to a full recovery.

Anonymous said...

The morphine might simulate paralysis. Brain swelling also simulates paralysis. So maybe this is just temporary.

Yeah, UT SCU 2 is a scary place. I almost passed out there this week, visiting my old dad who fell off a horse and broke a dozen bones. He didn't even recognize me due to the drugs. He flies planes too. Maybe sportbikes really are the safest way to travel?

Bayley said...

Any friend of The Dragon, is a friend of ours.

Godspeed, from your "friends" up north in Michigan.

I run so I can drink! said...

I see Mark every day when he comes through as I'm a Ramp Agent for his flight. He brings us moon-pies and is a great guy. I wish him the best recovery and hope to see him up on the dragon one day again.

Just Rude said...

Same as Andrew said,a friend of the dragon is a friend. Get well soon, everyone keep their hopes up and keep an eye out for Mark on the Dragon again.

Unknown said...

I wanted to write you a brief note that I hope will help Mark and his family through this. Although I have never met Mark, he sounds like a friend of mine named Scott.

I am an retired Army helicopter pilot that had a friend named Scott(also a pilot) who had a motorcycle accident with a severe head injury. After the accident, the doctors had to keep Scott in a drug induced coma for 3 weeks until his blood pressure reduced to a safe level. When he woke up, he had trouble recognizing people, could not talk, could make only small upper-body movements and was not able to walk for months. Although he had a hard time and went through extensive physical therapy, he made a great recovery and was able to do everything he could before the accident except fly helicopters.

With the support of his family/friends, prayer, and his personal will to overcome his injuries, he did it and Mark can to. Stick with him. Keep in mind that he has a long, hard road ahead of him, but the end will be worth everyone's effort.


RdKetchup said...

Wow, I think I actually met the guy last year on my first and only trip (so far) to the Dragon :(

Get well soon Mark.

Unknown said...

To a speedy recovery with thoughts and prayers from Iraq!

Jimbozcrazy said...

Mark, you have no choice but to return to the dragon triumphantly, walking on two legs, riding on two and four wheels and spreading smiles across every face who sees you. You are truely loved and adored by those who's lives you've touched. We know you have the strength to do this and all of us offer our support in any way you need it.

Get well soon and know our thoughts and prayers are with you daily as you recover!

P.S. someday when I meet you up at the dragon, I'm gonna ask you for a ride in that COBRA!

FATTKAW said...

always happens to the good guys!! :(
prove the doc's wrong!!!

Scrapmettle said...

God Speed brother.Best wishes to you and your family.

Thanks for sharing skate_flip_adio.

Unknown said...

Best of luck to your recovery Mark. You'll be in our prayers.
-Grant from the C-Condo.

Unknown said...

Mark - All of your friends from the condo are praying for a speedy recovery. You are in my prayers. I'll be out to visit. Joe