Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Keep it tight!

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Kyle Bubp said...

Thank goodness I was wearing my gear!

I'll have to remember to stop next time and chat. Thanks Darryl and the rest of the killboy crew.

Trip said...

kyle sucks.

Kyle Bubp said...

Do you need me to teach you how to ride that CB-ARRRRRRRRRRR?

JamesD said...


Trip said...

no cb ARRRRRRRRRRRRRR 4 u! Congrats Kyle, that is a nice line through the corner.

Courtney Bodett said...

Holy extreme lean angles batman. I wish my red SV had a rider like that.

Unknown said...

Careful w/ them thar peg feelers, you don't want to get one stuck in the pavement...

Kyle Bubp said...

Jason... you must know of my woes, or previous wrecks. I took the feelers off, still draggin pegs. I guess I need to pony up and get some rear sets.

Anonymous said...

Can you ride on walls?

Jimbozcrazy said...

He can, and he can fly too when he changes clothes in the phone booth... =P

Kyle Bubp said...

Yes, I ride on walls all the time... the walls of your mother's thighs.

Takin' it back to 1992 with momma jokes.

Jeff said...

Great lean, great position and looking where he wants to go. He is obviously an experienced, expert rider. However, I wonder about his line. Darryl's photo may be distorting where he really is on the road, but it looks to me like he's headed for the yellow line.


Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Nope, he held his line and never ran out near the double. Impressive riding, although maybe just a tad risky for such a crowded time of day. ;)