Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Godspeed on your recovery rider

Y'all be careful out there, especially if you're new to the area. Those fast sections end with sharp turns.

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Anonymous said...

Hopefully rider is OK and not too f***ked up. Any info on this or was rider going above skills and abilities?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

I *heard* (total hearsay) that it was his first time on the road, maybe first or second run across.

This left turn is at the end of a few fast kinks going north, and you can carry a lot of speed into it. It doesn't look that tight on entry, and it's not a blind turn, but it does tighten up at the end then kicks back in the opposite direction real quick. People run off the road near the exit, and end up in the ditch, then the road kicks back across right in front of them, and they jump the road and go flying down the steep drop on the other side. =(

We call it "Catch All" because it gets every type of, sportbikes, cruisers...doesn't matter.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh, and it's at about 3.6 miles from the state line, TN side. Between Gravity Cavity and Parson's Branch...a little closer to PB.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the heads up on what / where. Nice to know when we come down in 3 weeks

Dave said...

Hope the rider recovers well. Was my first time down there and the Dragon is the most intense road I've ever seen.

Unknown said...

alas if you stop there you'll see the point where he hit. from what i know the rider suffered at least a broken leg if not more. there's a picture of a bike on a tree right there that claimed the life of a rider last year. this guy hit the same spot just the next tree over and about 20 feet up.