Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Get some gear ya squid! =)

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JamesD said...

OK Silverrocket and Dwayne... LOL

Anonymous said...

Inquiring minds want to know. How many pegs do you go through a year? Those looks pretty well worn.

JamesD said...

After about 20 sets of stock pegs that run $40 a side I switched to R1 round billet pegs. $20 bucks a set. The bracket starts dragging before they wear down to an un-usable state.

silveRRocket said...

That's silveRRocket :-) with 2 capital RR's... Plus I may be wrong,but, I think I see knee pads under them jeans :-). I was draggin some pegs in your area Friday, around lunch time. 1st time ever there for me, had a blast on my Silver M109R.

JamesD said...

Hadn't heard from you in a while Rocket. Thought I would take a poke at you and see if you were sleeping.

I hope you had a good time

silveRRocket said...

Thanks for the "good time" well wishes. Yeah, I'm still around :-) and yes, I had a great time. I did a 525 mile--14-1/2hr. round trip Friday. Loved the Skyway and Tellicho plains area. If your interested, my photos are on Fridays pics. page 29,31, 40 & 41. I get a feeling Darryl is fixinda make some money :-) I wish I could've stopped by and said Hi to them, I was with a group of 6 others though and plus didn't know if he wanted the likes of me harrasing him on the job :-)

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

No worries Silver! We enjoy the company, but at the same time, don't blame ya for getting some play time in. Glad you had fun! =)

silveRRocket said...

Thanks Darryl! I'll be back up there before the end of this season :-) I'll make the time, next trip, to stop and say Hi. Your crew and yourself do an outstanding job.