Wednesday, June 06, 2007


Yer form is ALL jacked up! =P

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Flash2Crash said...

I think that's Quasimoto!

JamesD said...

Like a monkey in a side car.. "Ron White"

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

WTF style of riding is that called? I don't remember this being taught at riding school!

Unknown said...

Drunken Monkey confuse the corner into thinking you are skill-less and it lets its guard down and you pass through unscathed...seen it a million times.... ;)

Unknown said...

Nuh, looks like hes mooning someone hes about to pass by.

HappyJack said...

If you are going to do crazy stuff like that, please notify the photographer to switch to video mode.

Morgan said...

Just a simple case of dyslexia.

Unknown said...

A tiller with a D&D... Man, you know at least it sounded good! cause it sure looks ugly!

Unknown said...

The bike's nut's must have needed scratching. Oh thats right its not a Harley so it doesn't have any. Must have needed milking!