Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hardcore riding position

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Jimbozcrazy said...

No front brakes. I guess it's not realy designed for speed though. Nice ride bro, way too purist hardcore for me though. Be careful out there.

Unknown said...

Congratulations Mr. Cooter, you just delivered a twin.

Preacher said...

When the tank is so high you can't see over it, you stretched that backbone a bit far!

Anonymous said...

Aaack - bare ankles! Dude, get some badass boots with chains or something!

Unknown said...

I like the helmet and the Johnny Cash t-shirt but I prefer hi-top Chucks. :)

Anonymous said...

Gotta wonder how he likes the bars mounted under the trees? Must need an acre to turn it around. Those high mounted tanks look cool. Must be a b*itch to see over though.

Unknown said...


TLWiz said...

I love the shoes...