Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Chicks in leathers are HAWT!

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Anonymous said...

Now that's sexy. I'm still growing my hair out so I can look almost that good.

Unknown said...

Other's should take note of this and follow suit! Proper attire only adds to the beauty of those who ride well!!!

CM250 said...

I gotta get some of those!leathers that is!

Unknown said...

Her hair is not wearing leathers. That is just too dangerous...tell em Dwayne!

Kyle Bubp said...

Shes got a pad...

Trip can relate.

Scrapmettle said...

Thanx once again for the front page Daryl.
46 & a grandmother of three.

Morgan said...

46 and still hot. You look killer granny.

gomuchfaster said...

Scrapmettle...If that that's you, and S on the CBR, look me up..I'm the guy with the red triumph. D at killboy has my e-mail address. Gotta say thanks for the tips! Tonights twilight run was pretty special!