Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Caption This!

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Unknown said...

A true rider can perform regardless of the rectal insertion of wildlife.

vmaximum said...

What do you mean I'm fish tailing?

tradercvn said...


Unknown said...

Charlie the Tuna records another successful pass.

Unknown said...

Honest, the fish was T H I S BIG!

Anonymous said...

Tailgaters and lane crossers beware

Unknown said...

I wonder if she has a fishing license...

HappyJack said...

You got a licence for that?

LOHAN said...

1 fish
2 fish
red fish
bike fish

tomatoe333 said...

"Honey, did you feel something hit us? Honey? Honey?"

Unknown said...

Harley's really been working on their bikes - she's passin' that shark on the outside........

Jimbozcrazy said...

Darn land sharks, always showing off for the camera...