Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Be a shame to get passed in your own lane.

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Unknown said...

It's a shame a "Yawnus" is even on the Dragon but nice to see they moved over for the Stang.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh the Yaris wasn't pulling over, he was all over the ass of the Mustang while staying well within his own lane. I guess you can't really see it from this angle, but the Yaris is pretty phat, with wide wheels, beefy tires, and Tein suspension. It's all about cornering out there, and he's on rails for around $15k total. ;P

Anonymous said...

Just goes to show ya, there is always someone faster or quicker no matter what you drive. Wave 'em by when clear and everyone gets to enjoy their ride.

Unknown said...

Cool! And your right, this photo makes it look like the Yaris let the Stang past. Thanks for the correct info!

Jimbozcrazy said...

There should be a hunting season for habitual lane crossers...

Unknown said...

The first time it rains and they try to rail it across those slick yellow lines...