Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Always something to see, even from your SUV.

No one hit him, and his bike lightly bounced off the tire of another SUV following this one.
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Jimbozcrazy said...

Please GOD let that Harley miss my bike, Please GOD stop my bike from sliding into a tree, please, please.... Oh yeah, and can you please keep me from dying too GOD?


Anonymous said...

"It's not speed that kills us, it's crashing on the bends. Be honest, we've all crapped ourselves on a bend and run wide. What are we going to do? Improve the quality of our bike riding skills seems to be the most blindingly obvious response. Bikes will never be as safe as cars and we are always going to hurt ourselves - which is part of the allure I suppose - but it would be a shame if, by doing nine-tenths of fuck all, the government legislated our fun away. Just a thought."
—Kenny Pride, The Editor, SUPERBIKE Magazine, May 2004