Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Ah the good ole days of real cartoons...

Now they're too afraid to show the original Bugs Bunny cartoons on know, because we're all running around dropping anvils on each other from seeing those violent shows.

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Jimbozcrazy said...

Hey, I thought it was because everyone named Marvin was trying to blow up the earth with small handheld explosives =D

Anonymous said...

Uhhh...hippopotamus - NONONO!
Uhhh...oranutan? NONONO!

Uh..Harley? YEAH YEAH, that's it, a Harley!

I miss those days!

Anonymous said...

Tom and Jerry. Not to PC but mindless fun as a kid

doug said...

They show 'em on Boomerang. If those were violent, the same people aren't watching the current load of cartoons like Spongebob.