Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Weekly Update - May 30, 2007

Photos from last week are uploading to Tha Store. Everything through Friday is in there, and Saturday is uploading now, but it will take a while with over 14,000 shots from Saturday alone.

Beautiful holiday weekend meant lots of traffic. We saw a few ambulances run in and out, but never heard of anything major. TNHP had a patrol car up there Saturday and Sunday, but we never saw them stop anyone...heard they did write a few tickets. Probably just trying to keep the craziness down with all of the traffic.

This weekend is the first "Dam Bike Rally" by Fontana Village and we've heard the cops will be out on the NC side keeping an eye on things. Graham Co. just got a few new unmarked patrol cars, including a Jeep Grand Cherokee, and two hemi-powered Dodge Chargers, all silver, so mind your throttle hand around the area...especially when things are busy.

Quick plug for a new place to stay in town: Yellow Branch I'll add them to our Links page too for future reference.

We've got a ton of highlights for this week's update, so apologies to anyone still stuck with dial-up. I think you'll find it's worth the download. Enjoy!


Dave said...

Ha! It was great to see ya, but where's the scoot shot?

Dave :-)

Lake_Bueller said...

Where's Saturday?

Oh yeah...damn, 14k is a lot of pictures!!

Tony said...

Are you uploading via 56k? 14k is a lot pictures.

Unknown said...

im back

Chanda said...

Thanks for the awesome pics of me and my husband! I was on a yellow Buell and had kitty cat ears on my helmet. We rode through on Monday and Wednesday. We both had Iowa plates, and yes we rode all the way there :) Thanks again for the pics, and we will be ordering them shortly!