Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Now that's badass!

It looks like you are working the clutch somehow with that cable...I'd like to know more about that setup.

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Unknown said...

Badass indeed... Much props...

Jeff said...

I assume that you are a veteran. If so, thank you for your service to our country.

TLWiz said...

You ride on dude!

Trader Scott said...

If it's anything like my junior high metal shop teacher's prosthetic arm, he would shrug the shoulder to actuate the pincers that he had.

He was cool. He used to reach right into the ovens and pull hot stuff out.

Ride on dude. You rock!

Trader Scott said...
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Erik B said...

you sir... are more of a man then I... that much is for sure.

Ride on!

jackpinefreddie said...

OutSTanding!! Ride on brother!

Anonymous said...

AMERICAN Badass - someone should write a song...

MG Imagery said...

Dude that rocks!

Anonymous said...

some people love the sport no matter what

angel(MR) said...

That is Wolfman on Glory, aka my other half. You could never guess he loves his country could ya?? and Glory she is pushin 220k miles.