Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nailed that one didn't ya?

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Gsimpson2g said...

Wow, looks like last weeks shot with the mini-cooper, same exact line and all! Same driver? lol

Trip said...

Well we know he's making his miata brethren proud.

halmcgee said...

From a dedicated Miataphile to the driver (and I use the term loosely) of this New Generation Miata, please sell your Miata and get a go-cart. Oh and stay off the road, all of them.

Trip said...

HA HA, halmcgee please talk more of you people into selling their miatas because this is quite common for that car.

mtncrvr said...

Sigh... So there's some of us that know how to drive the miata- even with 150 extra horses I managed to keep it in my lane!

-Red '00 BEGI Turbo'd

halmcgee said...

The only problem with the Miata is it is too much fun and inexpensive to boot so a lot of people get them who OBVIOUSLY shouldn't have them.

Too bad there's not a test...

bankerbikerchik said...

Can't someone just run the tag number to find out who it is? Anyone got any "connections"?? What a dumb-ass driver......

Scotty J. said...

Unlike the out of control bikes that are on just about every front page too?

Oh, I'm sorry this guy is a hero for his riding prowess, as far as I'm concerned, he's driving outside of his limits and is a threat.

Anonymous said...

Neither one is good. Both are doing STUPID HURTS moves. The Miata is that much bigger of a vehicle that is that much harder to miss. If you were going to inevitably collide with a vehicle I would much rather take a 350-800 lb bike then a 2500 lb car. Anyone doing such a inbred maneuver is a mistake in the gene pool to begin with. Doesn't matter what your driving or riding! This looks like a premeditated act and if someone was to get hurt or worse yet killed, and there was photographic proof, they would be paying dearly for the rest of their life. No one wants that. Why straighten out one of the most enjoyable roads in the U.S? Kind of defeats the whole purpose of enjoying the ride. Clearly both were going above their abilities and limits. It is supposed to be fun. All this sh*t does is bring out the L.E.O.'s and heavy handed tactics. Then all the fun is done. No one wants anyone hurt or killed. A lot of people seem to be able to ride this road and not get in over their head. Hopefully both of these posers will learn from their mistakes and not repeat. Sorry KB. end rant.