Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Love the Explosive and Pray for Rain stickers

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Dave said...

This dude sure was drifting like crazy. Dude stay in your lane.


Unknown said...

This does not make me happy :(


Nick Luhr said...

try not to ruin it for the rest of us :(

JamesD said...

Subaru group is quickly replacing the Miatas as the group to stay away from when they are here. There was a Black WRX sideways in a tree Monday morning. Nice drift asshat.

Tony said...

The black subi didn't drift, he was run off the road by a motorcycle.

JamesD said...

Thats what I would say too. Not that I lost it because I was over my head.

Unknown said...

He was ran off the road from some idiots on bikes as he was leaving to go home!!!!

STiCaveman said...

@ dave m- You are a f*cking liar and an asshat. This is MY car, a I assure you I was not drifting AT ALL... Get your facts straight before you talk out of your ass douchbag. Oh- PLEASE find us all something that shows an ALL WHEEL DRIVE car that can drift... you sir, need to be neutered.

@ jamesd- same goes for you as well. The black Subaru (that CAN'T drift) was being driven by the owner's gf, on the way home, when a BIKE passed AND cut her off on a curve. She jammed on the brakes and lost control.

@ the rest- please, do not comment if you don't know the facts, thank you!

fwiw- the ppl from the NATIONAL Subaru club that were there, were better behaved than 80-90% of the bikes we saw... You would have always seen us in groups of 5-8 cars.
Chuck (aka STiCaveman)