Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Lane crossing = this.

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vmaximum said...

Mi-ata kept it under control.

Gsimpson2g said...

Who was at fault, and what did the Miata collide with?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

We were not there, Keith rolled up on the aftermath...Miata collided with the 300zx on the rollback pulling the it. Keith said it looked like the Miata was southbound around a blind left-hander, 300zx was running opposite. Since most people cut lefts, I figure the Miata snagged the Z. It's an uphill right for the Z, and no one really blows it out wide running in that direction.

Mike said...

Not good for anybody to be in a head-on, but I'm glad that as it happened, it wasn't a bike involved. Head-ons suck.

vmaximum said...

Head On...apply directly to the forehead....Head On....apply directly to the forehead....Head On...etc

halmcgee said...

Well from the looks of that Miata its a total. Lane discipline at all times.

Unknown said...

I am one of the people from Zdayz and spoke with the 300zx owner. Apparently, the miata was to hot in the corner and the back came around full circle. It ended up in the wrong lane, stationary. The Z then came around the corner and smacked it. It would have been worse if they both were moving. The Z might be totalled too. They don't make parts for it anymore and insurance companies just scrap them.

wyckedflesh said...

That will buff out...heh