Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Even leaning across the yellow is a bad habit

Those mirrors are just about head high. If you're having problems staying off the yellow on lefts, try shifting your focus to the white line. I have to constantly work on it too.

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Unknown said...

Way to go John

Trip said...

I have a problem with this as well. Thanks for the tip Darryl.

Flash2Crash said...

It looks like he's looking at the white line...but the wrong one.

vmaximum said...

That looks close.

Jeff said...

Unless the camera has distorted the distance that looks like a very close call. Think man! Think about the potential damage to that nice bike, coordinated gear and your very own hard body.

Unknown said...

Yeah, you crash that bike, its a waste of a perfectly good less than a year old bike, for something stupid like leaning over the line.