Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Cameras are purdy

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Kelly said...

Great camera! I have one just like it. You just can't beat the completely manual 35mm for photo quality.

vmaximum said...

Cannons are better ;)

vmaximum said...

or is that canon?

tomatoe333 said...

If you want a mechanical 35mm SLR, no Canon will beat that Pentax. There's a reason they were in production for 20 years.

I've got the exact same camera/lens in my cabinet here. I'll never sell it or get rid of it.

wyckedflesh said...

Bah...its all about the Bronica ETR 6x4.5 :-D

Chip Owens said...

Hey Bro, You didn't get that Pentax at a pawn shop did you? I lost one just like it in Pigeon Forge in 1998. HA!

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Not mine, it was laying in a chair at one of the IMS shows I believe. Sorry about your loss! =/