Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Oh that's never a good sign...

Thanks for the ride cruiser guy!

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culliganman said...
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Chan said...

Little elbow and left cheek action.

silveRRocket said...

Maybe, just maybe, even though that cruiser guy is nice enough to give a lift, he'll realize his blue jeans wouldn't held up to those deep scratches in that leather suit.

XTR said...

Maybe tha cruiser rider isn't pushing the envelope probably wont be falling over.

Anonymous said...

If that is the case, why do I help pull so many cruisers out of the ditch every season? I'd dare say even more cruisers than sportbikes on this particular road. A large contributing factor to this is the lack of handling, brakes, and ground clearance on a cruiser. This means that even though they may be traveling at the speed limit or below, they are still pushing the limits of the bike in this environment.

Aside from that, speed alone is a relatively minor contributor to crashes in this area. Riding over ones head, environmental hazards, and oncoming idiots make up the majority of crashes. In reality, a cruiser rider is no less likely to crash than a sport bike rider. In fact, given two identical riders, the cruiser rider is at a greater risk due to the limitations of the machine alone. Being underdressed due to a false sense of security just makes the impending crash that much worse.

All that said, wear whatever you want. It doesn't hurt me when you can't wipe your ass on your own.

silveRRocket said...

Dang Tyler, Thanks!

One thing to add xtr, although i was on my Cbr last year, I was "cruisin" on the hwy at approx. 65 mph, not knowing the non driving idiot on the other side of the 4 lane was going to take out the car beside me and myself....Like Tyler stated, wear what you want, as for me I never saw it coming and came to, about 2 weeks later....

Kyle Bubp said...

If you were wearing leathers, you wouldn't have been in a coma.

So have you been up to the Gap yet? Or are you still just internet riding?

silveRRocket said...

I had leathers on at the time of the wreck just not pants. I wasn't in a coma, I was awake, just from the 1 inch skull fracture (yes I had on a full face scorpion lid as well) I have no recollection of the day of the crash or the next 14 days. Too answer your question, internet riding as you call it :-)