Thursday, September 21, 2006

Weekly Update - September 21, 2006

Day late again, you're getting used to it I hope. Weekday shots from last week are online in Tha Store, with weekend shots uploading right now. We shot over 34,000 last week so take your time, set it to show 100 thumbnails per page, and put your shots in the free photo album feature when you find them so you can return to them quickly if needed.

Last week/weekend was really nice. We're getting a little cold snap right now, and it's about 45 degrees out. (late at night) This weekend is looking a little warmer, but if this keeps up the leaves may be changing soon. Usually it takes until early November in the lower areas like Deals Gap.

On to the highlights!


EngineNoO9 said...

hey uh... is anyone else having issues with killboy not loading properly in firefox? it was always fine but now for some reason and this is the only page that does it, that i have to clear my cache in order for the website to update... it's quite frustrating... :-\

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

It does that to us too, (we use Firefox) and I set it to clear the cache whenever we close the program.

It probably has to do with the fact that my website is actually on, but I have set to bounce over here to blogger, and it loads it in a full-size frame. I don't know of a way around it without sending everyone to

Well actually, that might work...try setting your bookmark to that blogspot address so you'll skip the bounce/frame thing.

EngineNoO9 said...

hmm... i think that way seems to have worked. Once I realized the issue I tried IE Tab where it'd load killboy in IE but it'd still be on a tab and that worked fine as well. I kept wondering why updates were taking so long to show up.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Hey we can only shoot what's out there in front of us...can't make 'em show us. ;)

Biofish said...

ok when i view fri-sat-sun pics all the pictures say "photo temporarily unavailable".. i have cleared my cache and used two different browswers.. what am i doing wrong?

Biofish said...

I can't see the pics from this weekend... all it says is "photo is temporarily unavailable" i cleared the cache and all... any suggestions.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Fixed it...had to call Photoreflect (AGAIN) to get them to show up. This is 2 weeks in a row it's done that.

Believe me, I've been ripping them a new one.