Wednesday, September 27, 2006



Cat said...


Cat said...

lol You must have me mistaken, I was the slowest person there that weekend. I actually would have been honored had someone given me the slow down sign. If anything I was in the way of people "tear ass"'in through the curves (And I tried to let people pass as much as possible, sorry if I broke anyone's groove). Trust me, if I saw anyone tell me to slow down I would have.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Yeah with that bike that low, she's not tearing ass anywhere except a straight line. No offense to the rider in the shot, but she was cruising the whole thing at about 20mph tops. Kept it between the ditches though, and that's what counts!

Cat said...

lol You're right Darryl, the fastest I got to was about 55 in the straight aways, maybe 30 in the curves. No offense taken; I've only been on my own bike since February and I had never ridden in the rain so it wasnt a good weekend for my first (on my own) ride on the dragon. There's always next year, lol.