Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Awesome...can't wait to see that video.


goose said...

Not good...


Bayley said...


I usually run through the gap with a handful of S2000’s from the Carolina’s that are the most considerate and respectful drivers out there. Just goes to show you that careless behavior knows no stereotypical boundaries.

rastaS2k said...

We've already started a thread over at calling out these guys. Towards the end of the month there will be a large s2k contingent - a$$hats like these two aren't tolerated.

Motoholic said...

F***ing retards. Darryl, have you considered bringing along with you a sniper rifle in addition to your cameras?

Brian A said...

Yeah, all they ^ said.

I do not undestand: Why come to such a twisty road and then straighten out the turns???
Kinda' defeats the purpose, in addition to making you out to be a buttcake.

TX Biker Scum said...

Actually, it's called driving on the wrong side of the road. You don't 'apex' public roads, that's for race tracks and closed courses with one-way traffic.

John Welborn said...

sage_one: If you are new to this site then I understand... Otherwise you would know that all idiots, with two or four wheels, are ostracized the same.

Even if this was a closed rally course where taking the apex was not illegal and attempted manslaughter, this is still a bad line.

The OOkie said...

and the name of the video is..."Deal's Gap...Euro Trip"

Technically it would be titled "Deal's Gap...UK Trip" as UK and Ireland are the only European countries that drive on the left. It's a common faux pas.
Thus ends our anal retentive lesson of the day!

Jeff said...

Well, the previous 21 posts just about covers it.

EngineNoO9 said...

sage_one - you're an idiot. you don't do that on public roads. not on blind corners like that. I could MAYBE understand if you could see way ahead but if a biker or car come around the turn they'd be in a major scramble to get over. you're able to hit the apex of the turn in your lane but that right there is stupid

Jeff said...


The sorry is fine... but the rest is simply an attempt to justify bad behavior and that is bulls**t! You should leave it at "I'm terribly sorry; it won't happen again."