Thursday, August 31, 2006


You know I'm seeing a lot of negativity in the comments lately, and it really disturbs me to be associated with people who have such hurtful things to say. These people are your riding brothers and sisters. With all of the "Concerned Citizens" out there who are constantly trying to shut us all down, now more than ever we should be sticking together.

Sportybike crowd: Those guys on cruisers and touring bikes are good to have on your side when the legal eagles start dive bombing your ass. They just may not be in shape or even physically able to ride a performance bike, but they're still out there riding, and a lot of them really enjoy watching you ride.

Cruiser/Touring Bike crowd: Those guys on crotch rockets could often use your guidance in life and riding. They're often younger, and seem like they're not listening, but don't give up on them. They're also a great form of entertainment out in front of you, and you know it!

So let's try to be a little more positive, and not be one of "those people" who always complains about everything. ;)


JamesD said...

What we need are more Bewbees

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Good point Scotty J. The car folks are out there for the same reasons, and you never know who it might be behind the wheel. ;)

Everyone gets along so great out on the Gap in real life, very few arguments or harsh words. It's a real testiment to how a keyboard can change a person's attitude.

Bouncing Soul said...

Cruiser/Sportbike crowd: Look out for those guys and girls on the big touring bikes, they're weirdos! :) Respect for bewbs!

Unknown said...


Your right the cars do pile up but thats because they are either driving together and/or caught a slower car they cannot pass. This is even worse with the packs of motorcycles because they love to be squidy and slow to 10mph in the corner but full throttle in the straights where cars are keeping up but unable to pass. The packs of people aren't the big problem its the people that are trying to stay ahead of you whether it be a car or a mototcycle when they are obviously slower in the corners but dont want that person behind them so they full throttle to the next turn and get people pissed off really quick including myself.

People Just need to use commonsense (eventhough its not so common around the gap) and just pull over or slow down in the straights for people to pass. I am not even going to talk about the lanecrossers that are so slow in the corner you could pass them in your lane (yes I almost have).


Mike said...

There was a minor crash on 28 near the gas station in Fontana on Aug 29th. A guy on a Harley touring bike lowsided on a wet corner into a ditch. Besides his buddies, the first 2 guys to arrive on the scene and stop to help were on sport bikes. We're all in this together and for the long haul. Whether it's stopping to help a guy or gal with a broken bike, a crash or accommodating different riding styles. And to all you Rolex riders out there, wave back for goodness sakes!

Sportglide said...

Respect is good. Everyone needs to show it. I gave some today, but didn't get much. While riding two-up on our Harley, anytime a light appeared in my mirrors, I waved the rider by and moved right. Got a lot of nice honks and waves. But what happened when I came up behind parades of cruisers, usually Harleys. Usually nothing - forcing us to either ride the Gap at 15 mph or leapfrog bike to bike as space permits. I don't think this has anything to do with Harleys as much as people tend to think they are the only person on the road. PULL OVER IF SOMEONE COMES UP BEHIND YOU.

3up3down said...

I love this site. Saw Deal's Gap on a Superbike show on Speed TV and have been checking it out here.
Four of us are coming down the Blue Ridge Parkway next spring from NH - we all rode to Sturgis and back this past summer, second time for me, third for my buddy, first for the other two. 15 days, 5,300 miles. If you haven't done it, on the backroads, it's a gotta-do-it-before-you-die experience.
I have been sending them links to pics on the site and they are totally jazzed about doing the Gap/Dragon, whatever is the right name.
About the respect thing, if you earn it, you get it. As for me, I'll be pulling over for the sportbikers, not hogging the road on my cruiser, as will my friends. It's not my road, it's just the road, and we share it. Not that we also don't abuse it now and then.
As for roadhogs, the worst bunch I ever saw was a huge Christian biker group, about 100 bikes, riding side by side on the Needles Highway in South Dakota - two lane, twisty road that's beautiful and fun but not meant for two-across. Sent a chill down all our backs - not just for us, for them. One screws up, and its domino time and someone was gonna end up in our lane for sure. I have nothing against Christian bikers, but just because they are all ready at any time to meet the Lord doesn't mean the rest of us are.
Hope to see the Killboy folks when we come down. And we will ride it all the way. We do not trailer. And, yeah, I don't like trailers.