Wednesday, May 31, 2006

He's going 31. "BREAKIN' THE LAW...BREAKIN' THE LAW" --Beavis


redxxrdr said...

XX has one of those big speedo's too.
Guess I am going to have to put tape over it.
Naw, I never ride fast. Just half fast :-)

TX Biker Scum said...

...well, except that most bike speedometers read off of the front wheel, not the tranny or the rear wheel. So a sprocket change realy wouldn't effect the displayed speed. A different profile/series front tire would though.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Not the case on almost all modern sportbikes TX, not so sure about cruisers. They almost all read off of the drive shaft these days...a shame really, changing the gearing is so easy, and makes such a huge difference, but almost always screws up your speedo.

redxxrdr said...

Darryl is right.
XX takes speed off of the front drive.
If you go up one tooth, the speedo is accurate.
I often wondered if Honda dropped it a tooth to get a few more revs at the top

TX Biker Scum said...

Good think I ride a 'not so modern' sportbike. Hmmm... I'll have to snoop around at a few local dealerships to look into this.