Friday, October 21, 2005

Saturday Morning Cleanup

A group of folks from the EastTNriders forum is going to be out Saturday morning cleaning up along the Gap. Give 'em some space and lend a hand if possible!


LightOut said...

Thanks for the shout Darryl!

Angel said...

Bravo! Wish there were more folks out there like these riders!

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Thanks for all the hard work everyone! Maybe we could make it a monthly thing and just take on a one mile section each month?

There used to be a trashcan at the overlook from what I understand, attached to that post, but all the rednecks kept bashing their trucks into and shooting it and finally stole it. (according to a BCSO officer)

Andrew said...

Saw some of the trash being spread around again by ravens on Sunday morning who were raiding the full bags left behind.

Thanks to all who got out there and helped. We were wondering if it was a volunteer effort or if some folks were doing their community service. Glad to see that the local riders have pride in the road that we LOVE To come visit!

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

I didn't participate, too early on a work day for me. =/

Keep an eye on the forums for the next cleanup, and I'll be sure to mention it here as well.