Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Weekend Update - September 9-11, 2005

This week's photo sorting went much smoother, and the shots are uploading into our store now so hopefully they will be online by the time you read this.

I didn't shoot any last weekend, spent some time catching up on business and running the car to Atlanta for a dyno tune. (302 hp at the wheels)

All shots last week/weekend were by Keith and David...great work guys.

Sorting through the shots, and spending what little time I did on the Gap last weekend, there seemed to be an unusual amount of lane crossing. This has got to stop now, before it gets any more out of hand. There are just too many people out there and if everyone can play along, we can all have fun. Otherwise, it's going to get real ugly real quick. Please spread the word and if you see someone out there driving selfishly, especially if it's a friend, try to get through to them without being too confrontational.

Ya know, we can only do so much here, and we're really risking more than you might realize by calling people out for poor driving. Nevermind the physical possibilities, we are huge targets out there with the signs on our vehicles, and we probably lose a potential customer when we expose them on here, but for the bigger picture it's all worth it. We love this road, and we want you all to be able to enjoy it with us.

Sunday evening we had a SUV sideswipe a cruiser because the SUV came around in the wrong lane. Try to leave yourself some space for stuff like this and concentrate on hugging the white line, not the yellow.

I was also informed Sunday by a Blount Co. Sheriff that there is legislation going through that county to ban oversize vehicles from passing through Deal's Gap. This combined with the same legislation moving along in Graham/Swain Co. NC means those days of meeting semis mid-turn in your lane may be numbered...

This weekend is pretty unique, see the post below the photos for info on the nearby kayaking event if you haven't seen it already. On to the highlights!


goose said...

You go above and beyond, man. Don't sweat it, we all appreciate it!!

LightOut said...

302 @ the wheels?! NICE!

lth said...

You're absolutely right. Can you get the DOT to put up huge STAY IN YOUR LANE signs all along the Gap? If not, I'll donate for the cost of some signs.

302 hp! Fantastic.