Wednesday, September 14, 2005

This is probably the scariest shot of the weekend. Ya'll please try to stay off the center line. The guy in the truck can do nothing aside from running off the road, kicking up gravel that we will all have to deal with for the rest of the day. I hate meeting people like this when I'm going through in the car.


JamesD said...

Damn Warrior riders! O wait

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Like I said in the update, inevitably somone is going to be offended when I use them to make a point.

He's leaning across the double yellow. He could stand to work on this...we all could.

Get mad at me if you want, I'm just trying to make things better for you out there.

goose said...

Jamie, one word.


You have it. Hope you didn't have too rough a get off there.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh no doubt DFW, but on the other side of the token, there are a LOT of much closer incidents that we don't catch on camera. This type of shot really makes an impression and makes people think about their actions out there.

I love my friends and customers, y'all can't buy our pictures if you're not around.

JamesD said...

You aren't loosing any business. We all know you are making a point. It is a worthy cause and a good point.

I think had you been out there Friday to watch this guy ride you might not have used him as a subject. Very fast but very in control. Riding behind him is more dangerous than in front because you tend to work very hard to keep up.

Either way we all get your point and like I said it is a valid one.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Thanks Cruise, it's good to know we have yet another person who thinks they're always in control.

And you're just looking for confrontation if you actually believe I hate you. I know you are the same guy I featured last week. You are clearly a capable rider. But you could stand to work on this leaning across the yellow thing. It's a very common problem and you're damn right I picked this shot for shock value. We take pictures of TONS of people doing this and let it slide. I picked yours because it has more impact...or I just hate YOU, yeah, that's it.

Blame us if that's what makes you feel better. Distraction is always going to be a factor no matter where you ride, so you'll have plenty of other people and things to blame all the way to the site of your crash. Riding through Deal's Gap, with all of the people hanging out on the side of the road can teach you not to be distracted. But maybe we can clear everyone and everything off the road, so when you make a mistake while riding "in control", you'll recognize who's really to blame.

JamesD said...


lth said...

Sorry, 1cruisemissile, I agree with Darryl & the others. Your head & shoulders are in the oncoming lane. You may be in control of your bike, but this is just a bad idea.

Also, despite all the pictures of horrid judgment that are posted here, I've never seen an angry or hateful post from Darryl.

Brian A said...

Seems Cruise took the pic/commentary as a personal affront.
Darryl, feel free to remove his pic and replace with one of me, just after passing you (mud corner) headed north. In viewing my pics I see I am waaayyy to close to the yellow line. I could see through the turn that noone was approaching, but I still feel uncomfortable looking at myself in the pics.
I would welcome criticism as I feel it is warranted.
Perhaps Cruise might chill a little if he thinks about the very real fact that 99% of the time we do ride "in control", but it's that 1% that will get you.
My 1% came Labor Day weekend when I went agricultural for my first ever incident on the Dragon. I looked down, no more than 2 seconds, to fiddle with my choke knob. When I looked up I was running off the road. I did have enought sense to check prior to fiddling to be sure I was in a straight and noone was around.
BUT, the fact is, one brian fart landed me sliding thru the dirt (got lucky - No damage at all).
By pushing the yellow line, one little uh-oh could get real nasty, real fast.
I, for one, am thankful of a pic showing my own lapses. I will try to do better - for my sake and the sake of others.

Cruise, blaming the photographers?
Gimme' a break.
I have yet to see a photographer run out into the road and twist the throttle on a passing bike, or push a rider into a harder lean.
One thing we can't argue with, absent a mechanical failure, WE are in control of our bikes.
That can be a very good thing, or a very bad thing.
Something to think about....

Anonymous said...

It really is sad to see all of the excuses fly when someones faults are pointed out. It doesn't matter if its Rossi in the picture, the fact is its an issue that needs to be addressed, and its great that Darryl is willing to call people out on it.

A good line is something that is easy to push to the back of your mind when you're focusing on so many other things, and sometimes all it takes is a reminder to get things back in check. It's better to have a bruised ego and ride safe from that point on than to make every excuse in the book and continue an unsafe practice. Just a few weeks ago I found a few pictures of myself cutting it too close and it made me realize I had a few corners that I needed to adjust my line on, so when I went out last week I made sure I fixed it. I've seen faster riders than myself have this problem from time to time as well. None of us are above it. All of us need to recognize it and fix it, though. Even the "pros".

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Oh no, you figured me out 79bikes! I'm just on this crusade to keep people in their own lanes so we can ride/drive fast without worrying about someone coming around blind curves in our lane. Crazy huh?

Hey buddy, if speed is so dangerous, answer me this: When was the last time you heard of someone getting rear-ended on the Gap?

Try never...I bet that's pretty close.

Ty said...

Can't we all just get along??? haha

It makes perfect sense guys. The less whiny/oppressive people see us (or think they see us) sticking our heads over on THEIR side of the road, the less they'll bitch to their friend/neighbor/cousin who's a police officer/county official/authority about those "reckless" bikers up on 129.

Besides, it feels a lot better and a bigger rush to go deep least that's what she said!

Gotta give props to boy-cruise, I didn't know the warrior would lean that far. Nice!

culliganman said...

Shock value and a learning tool is all that picture is,in my opinion.Daryll is a good guy and just try's to keep everyone safe.I have ridden with cruisemissle several times and he is a great rider and has super control over his bike at all times.I must admit I worked on staying closer to the white line on my last trip to the dragon."Mission accomplished Daryll".You got in my head.Daryll is not the dragon police.But he has seen his fare share of stupid crashes and the dragon is his office.I have personally seen him stop shooting pics and drive to get oil dry and a broom to clean up the road a put up flags to keep people safe.So I will give him some slack.