Thursday, September 08, 2005

More Problems

Well now the upload has errored a couple of times and it removed the event from the store temporarily while it is uploading. It has been uploading for several hours now, and it's about 1/6th of the way finished, so check back tomorrow.

I'm sorry folks, this doesn't annoy anyone more than me.


John Welborn said...

No way to get to a fast connection every week? Bribe a local college kid for access to their login, etc.

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

It errored out Friday morning and had to start over. Right now it's at about 2/3rds so hopefully it will finish up tomorrow.

We are on DSL, it's kinda slow for DSL, but I don't really think it's so much the connection speed. The program has to create each thumbnail and proof, then upload, then move to the next image and repeat. This process requires a bit of processing power along with a decent connection. 25,000 photos just takes a long way around it. =/

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Lori here...

Photos ARE UP!!!

John Welborn said...

I'd check the upload speed using and talk to your provider if it is not what it should be. They might also have a package with a higher upload rate. Or a cable modem might provide more for $20 a month. If hard disk speed is the bottleneck, then a Western Digital Raptor WD740GD 74GB 10,000 RPM drive would be nice, may need a controller card though. Or upgrade the cpu and/or ram. etc. (let me know if you want to talk about solutions)

My hope is that you will eventually be able to produce daily updates delivered to my doorstep in print form sent from your 24 hour roadside tent photo and production center. Failing that, keep up the good work.