Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Funky front brake looks like it has a caliper and disc, but enclosed with a specialized wheel and air ducts. Carbon?


BlueLghtning said...

That's an '88 or '89 Honda VTR250. It's an inboard disc brake setup. It's a pretty funky setup and doensn't quite work as well as Honda intended. The 1990 VTR250 got the conventional single disc front brake that works much better.

They are great bikes and will walk all over a ninja 250 in the power department and will outhandle the Ninja 250/500's and some 600's of that time period. Too bad Honda stopped bringing them stateside after 1990.


VTR 250 Message Forum

Pics of the different VTR250's over the years.

JamesD said...

That's pretty funny. Are we really having a discussion over the difference between 25 and 28 HP? Ok then I will join. They are both slow and made for beginner girl riders who are afraid of their own shadow. Neither could get out of their own way. A 72 pinto could make quick work of either.

Don't they sell them buy one / get one free?