Tuesday, September 13, 2005

A few tidbits

This Saturday the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) will be releasing water into the Cheoah river for the first time in years as part of their new 40-year license of controlled releases into Cheoah to offer Class 4&5 kayaking opportunities. This river is the one that runs right alongside Hwy 129 in NC between Tapoco Lodge and JoAnne's Grocery. (9 miles up the road) You can find more information about this significant event here and here. Appearantly the best section is the final 1.5 miles from the bridge you can drive across, down to Tapoco Lodge, so if you get a chance Saturday, you might want to cruise down and do a little spectating. If nothing else, the waterflow should be quite impressive. We plan to have 4 photographers rotating between Deal's Gap and the River so we'll have some shots for ya on the next update.

Also plans for the first annual Smokey Mountain Bikeweek are still being finalized. This is something they rushed together in a few weeks time, so it's going to be a little rough for the first year, but the success is pretty much up to you guys. They are looking for pocketbike and minibike owners to come out and race their track for free. There will even be prizes for winners. Keep an eye on the TailoftheDragon website for more info soon.

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