Wednesday, August 31, 2005

This Kawi went down also, but he was fine and rode it off. BOTH of his framesliders snapped right off though. He could have really benefited from using the heavy duty stuff my boys Jacob and Noah make over at OESaccessories.


Jeff said...

Damn Darryl,

How is it that you are always in the right place to catch the action?

Great photos ... as usual!

I believe that your sponsorship of good riding habits has positively impacted the riding / driving we see on the dragon. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

The way I see it is this...

There are distractions of all different kinds put in front of all of us every time we ride. Part of being a responsible rider is to remain in control regardless of what is going on on the side of the road.

If someone crashes in front of Darryl the camera might be a factor, but if that's the case that rider was an accident waiting to happen, and if Darryl hadn't been there it would have simply happened at the next pullout with an audience to show off for.

In answer to your question, yes, I know for a fact just from sitting with Darryl on the weekends that many riders will do anything they can to try to look good when they come by. Everybody wants a cool picture, myself included, but my philosophy is that i'd rather ride the gap at a pace I deem safe and ride it home than try to ride on the edge for the camera and end up being airlifted out.

redxxrdr said...

I am way to busy watching my line, the yellow line, the oncoming traffic, and my rear to watch for Darryl. This may explain why my pictures don't look that agressive. Darryl shoots them like they are. Of course I can't seem to get my bird off the center stand without dropping it.
Great pictures Darryl, Helps us remember how good we are, or not.