Wednesday, June 13, 2007


You know, it's actually safer if you lean with the driver. Leaning away from the turn means the bike has to be leaned over further to get around the turn, making you more likely to crash. For reference, see this image. ;)

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Unknown said...

Thanks for the "heads up". You have a great place there at the gap and my wife and I hope to become regulars. With a little help we'll break our bad habits like hugging the yellow line on lefts, etc. Love the place, the pics, and especially the people.

Reinkster said...

I always tell the passenger to LOOK in the turn, not lean in the turn. If they lean or shift their weight, it disrupts the suspension and lean.


vmaximum said...

Just like dancing. Follow your partner.

Central Arkansas Riders said...

Yeah, and don't try to lean far down if you are not wearing leathers!

trashedr6 said...

i have learned, just tell your passenger to relax and their body will usually just flow with yours.

Unknown said...

1st track day is July 2nd & they are supposed to have a 15 minute session for two-up. My wife can't go but I'm hoping one of the instructors will let me ride on the back because I've honestly never been on the back at a high rate of speed.

Scrapmettle said...

Hey Paul, if you would like some further advice, we would like to help. We've been sportbike riding 2-up for almost ten years. Drop us a line.