Wednesday, June 13, 2007

It's all futuristic...they should give it some futuristic name.

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mille1 said...

lovin the Futura hope you had nice weather on the trip back

Unknown said...

I made the Front Page, I made the Front Page!!!! The bike was awesome down there, absolute blast. Weather was great all 5 days.

jeopardy98 said...

Hey man, you're looking good. I took the Total Control class with you on Thursday and we both made the front page! That's good stuff.

Anonymous said...

Woot! Nice being on the front page with you, buddy! =)

Unknown said...

Hey JFCIII Do you know how much those mirrors cost if you lay it down?!!!

Unknown said...

they call him... El Chott!

Unknown said...

I am EL CHOTT!!!!