Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Hi pretty lady!

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HappyJack said...

Please keep putting pictures of women on big bikes up. It shows my wife proof that women can ride anything a man can. (With proper training of course.)

Anonymous said...

Girls can ride anything. My wife and her friends all drive full size (v stars or baggers) bikes. All they need to do is get out there take a class and then ride.
Start out on a comfortable size bike and work your way up. None of these girls are over 130 lbs. None have problems except maybe backing up incline. Besides Instructor's say newbies are easier to teach as they haven't picked up bad habits yet.

TommyD said...

That's my wife. We had a blast and plan to come back in the fall. 2 days after that picture was taken her rear tire blew out on I-81 and she managed to keep the bike up and get off a very busy highway without getting killed. Very scary! She says remind everyone of 2 things. Take the safety course and say your prayers out there!

haul_n_asphalt said...

DUDE!!! tommyd you are one lucky guy.

Anonymous said...

wear your gear too I would hate to see rash on those arms.

TLWiz said...

Nothing is hotter than a good looking woman riding her own bike.