Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Graphic example

The angle of the shot makes them look closer than they really are. Guy was riding really well all weekend, but just like all of us, gotta work on staying out a little further on those left-handers.

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Unknown said...

i think we've all done that a time or two. i spent a lot of time working on that last weekend when i was there

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

WTG Jeremy. Been there done that... since you made it back to straight 'ole FL, I guess that means you got out of the trucks way! Hope you had fun.

AKA: VFRD: Tinyminds

sirimiri said...

Seen. Judged.
See you on VFRd.


redxxrdr said...

You caught me almost that close.
I have to rememeber that centered between the mayo and mustard is best.