Wednesday, June 13, 2007


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vmaximum said...

How do retards get a license?

Trip said...

This is the dude that passed the cop. HA HA! Bad Steve.

Flash2Crash said...

Stupid is as stupid does.

Trip said...

Here he is winning a t-shirt at the rally.

Preacher said...

I was just reading a thread @ TWF where he insisted that he was in complete control, never riding above his skill level.

Jimbozcrazy said...

Ok, what about the skill level of those he has to share the road with? Wait, I see it now, thats one of those helmets that lets you look into the future right? So THAT'S how he does it and lives to tell the story. I need to get me one of those!

Anonymous said...

f**ktard sums it up best. Lucky he didn't meet that truck being that far out of control. Darwinian rules will apply to inbreds. Some faster then others

Unknown said...

Maybe it's the angle, but he looks like he's almost on the white line at a blind curve. Of course, if he's in total control that can't possibly be true.

Could someone who knows him please try to talk something approaching sense into him?

Scotty J. said...

I hate to post this, but the question has been asked whether one would rather hit a car or a motorcycle head on. I would prefer to not hit either. Lane Crossing KILLS and not always the crosser.

Anonymous said...

Scary video. Just shows how fast someone appears, and if your riding beyond skills abilities, terrible things happen. It's too bad some people fail to recognize how lane crossing is so dangerous. It can KILL. Everyone can still have fun and not get in over there head by using a little common sense. Don't drive beyond your limits, keep a little room for error (yours or others) and still have a great time. It would be great if no one did it but it's inevitable some posers, wannabe's, or some inexperienced riders will meet you somewhere / someday. Riding is supposed to be fun. Like Darryl said,"Consider your impact on our little playground, and what it would be like if everyone did this." Much less the impact on all those lives involved. Don't be a douche bag. Take a couple passes to try and learn the layout and rythm. You can still have fun and be safe. Sorry KB. End rant

Jackson said...

Daryl, is there a time of day that you think is worse for dumbass moves?

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

Hard to say Jack. When it's busy, there are more people making poor passing decisions due to the increased traffic.

When it's not busy, there are more people lazily driving across the center line because there is so little oncoming traffic.

The only real "safe" time is at night.

Jeff said...

That is simply unbelievably bad riding; maybe the worst example Darryl's posted in a very long time. Some of the folks we hammer here might actually have a chance if something really bad happens, but this guy was absolutely dead meat if a truck was just around that corner.