Thursday, September 08, 2005

Honestly I often wonder why some of you guys even come's like you're missing the point. =/

1 comment:

Darryl Cannon aka "killboy" said...

TomC, man I love ya. I want you to come and have fun with us, but lane crossing is a problem that must be addressed, that's all there is to it.

There is no benefit that justifies it. "Seeing through the curve" doesn't really help much. You still have to go around the same curve, and if everyone is staying in their lane, you won't need to worry about what's around it.

Much more dangerous is the fact that you are now entering a turn with more speed than you would normally be carrying, and you are more likely to blow it. I see it all the time. If you just stay in your lane, the natural flow of the road will keep you out of trouble.

Add to that the fact that you have a lot of novice riders out there who are struggling just to keep their machine balanced. You spook these people, cause them to crash, we get cops, ambulances, bad press...everything gets shut down and it screws things up for weeks while we deal with something that is easily preventable.

Just think about it man...we don't mind ya'll coming to play in our backyard, just don't tear it up then leave us to deal with it.